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Core Beliefs

Christ Episcopal Church in Waukegan, IL, is a member of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago and The Episcopal Church (T.E.C./E.C.U.S.A.). We are a solidly broad church congregation that respects and encourages a diversity of theological understandings and liturgical expressions.

We hold the Baptismal covenant to be the most concise expression of our relationship with God and one another and strive to live into it fully, with God’s help.

Above all we seek to serve Christ in all persons and to model our lives on His. We use the tools of Scripture, Tradition, and Reason, which we refer to as a three-legged stool, to guide our understanding with each leg being considered equal to the others.

We are a Sacramental Church. We recognize the seven traditional sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, Reconciliation, Confirmation, Marriage, Holy Orders, and Anointing of the Sick, and consider Baptism and Eucharist to be of special importance, having been instituted by Christ himself. We believe that all who are baptized, regardless of age, tradition, or level of understanding are welcome to receive communion.

The Episcopal Church provides a uniquely American expression of the traditions shared by all churches that are members of the Anglican Communion. We are a diverse church ethnically, economically and theologically, and we value the rich history this brings to our community.